How Many Tickets Can I Buy?

You can buy as many tickets as you want! Some Broadway shows set limits at 8 tickets per person, but you can usually go back online (or call back) to get more tickets if you need them. Lottery tickets are limited to 2 tickets per win.

If you need over 20 tickets you can get a group rate. Group tickets are not usually cheaper, but choosing this option allows you to get the tickets now and pay for them later, through deferred invoicing.

Broadway Insider Tip On Buying Tickets:

When buying individual tickets, avoid buying eight tickets in the same row. This is similar to going to dinner with a large group, where you inevitably don't get to talk to people at the other end of the table since they are too far away.

Instead, it is much better to buy your tickets in two sets of four, with one set behind the other. This allows you to be able to talk to everyone, and you can easily switch seats with other group members if someone is blocking your view.